The Fight Against The Dakota Access Pipeline

The DAPL or the Dakota Access Pipeline is proposed to transport crude oil through the North Dakota Bakken region all the way into Illinois. The pipeline will cut through 50 counties across 4 states. While this sounds may sound innocent enough it potentially poses a major issue within the surrounding Native American communities.

Despite protest, sit-ins, and letter writing and a presidential review the pipeline is still scheduled to be constructed. Once fully constructed this pipeline will transport 570,000 barrels of crude oil a day. To make matters worse according to experts "It's not a matter of when a pipeline will malfunction, but when." The current route of the pipeline takes it through farmland, forests, and major rivers. The risks for water contamination is very high. Some rivers potentially affected is: The Big Sioux, the Missouri, and the Mississippi. 

<Tweet: 7.5% of Native American Homes lack safe drinking water.

7.5% Of Native American Homes Lack Safe Drinking Water

The pipeline also cuts deep into sacred Native American lands. Read our most recent article if you are not familiar with the Native American water crisis and the dangers of contaminated water. Fortunately, there are several groups fighting the DAPL. Rezpect our water staged a 500 mile relay race in protest and has managed to gain 160,000 signatures opposing its construction including some famous celebrities such as, Leonardo Dicaprio. 
Together we can fight back and enact change.

We have joined the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline on sacred Native American lands. Our limited edition release is dedicated to raising awareness of the growing concern over compromised water supplies. Our join or die tee pulls inspiration Benjamin Franklin's iconic image that was circulated to encourage former colonies to unite under British rule. So too must Native American tribes unit to protect our communities. 


Be sure to visit Rezpect our water and sign the petition. Show your support against the DAPL and purchase one of our limited edition T-shirts. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to help fight the water crisis.

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